Pau Gasol Sáez is a basketball player. He was born in Barcelona, the 6 of July of 1980. He is thirty-nine years and he is 2,16 m tall. He started playing in the school team of basketball. Leter, he was playing in FC Barcelona, but on 2001 he was flying to Memphis (EEUU) for playing in Memphis Grizlies, to the NBA. However, he started playing in the Spanish Selection.

When he started playing in NBA, he  was playing in different teams. He was playing for Los Angeles Lakers, Chicago Bulls, San Antonio Spurs and in Milwaukee Bucks for the team where he plays now. He won a lot of medals in his life. For exemple the olimpic games, world sub-19 and champions worlds.

Pau collaborated for different ONG. He collaborated with UNICEF and he created a fundation with his two brothers, Marc and Adrià Gasol, called "Fundació Gasol". He likes helping the people so ho has written a book called "Bajo el aro".


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