Resultat d'imatges per a "catch me if you can"

1. What is the title of the movie? Catch me if you can
2. Who is the director? Steven Spielberg.
3. Who is the screenwriter? Jeff Nathanson.

4. When the action develops? In New Rochelle, New York.
5.When does the occupation unfold? In the present.
6. What genre is the movie? It's a dramatic comedy.

7. Who are the main characters?
Frank Abagnale Jr. (Leonardo DiCaprio).
Carl Hanratty (Tom Hanks).
8. Describe two characters in the film. 
 Frank Abagnale Jr.: he is a poor boy of fifteen years. She has blond hair and a little longer. He is tall and thin. He is a fraudster who gets money and jobs by forging documents.
Carl Hanratty: he's a middle-aged FBI agent. He is tall and always wears a hat and glasses to see. He's the agent who follows Frank without anyone's help. So he is very stubborn and keeps his word.

Write 4 words from the movie and ...
9. Write an English definition.
- swindler: person who regularly commits scams.
- pilot: person who runs a ship or aircraft
- checks: document that extends and delivers one person to another so that they can withdraw an amount of money from the funds that they have in the bank.
- dollars: the basic monetary unit of the US, Canada, Australia, and certain countries in the Pacific.
10. Translate them into Catalan.
- swindler: estafador
- pilot: pilot
- checks: xecs
- dollars: dòlars
11. Write a sentence with each word.
-  The man who told us to give him 500 dollars and that he would look for a house for us turned out to be a swindler.
-  The pilot announced to the passengers to fasten their seatbelts that there was some turbulence.
-  I wrote a 200 dollars check betting that I would win the prize.
-  I pay 10 dollars for a jacket.


  1. Well done, Laia! Your mark is 9/10. Anyway, you should translate questions into english. Thank you.


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