The Ghost
One night the ghost of king Hamlet appears, the next night the prince's best friend sees him and warns him that his father's spirit wants to speak to him. Prince Hamlet's mother has married with her uncle, who doesn't like him. The next night, the spirit of his father tells the prince that his brother, Claudius, has murdered him.

Hamlet and Ophelia
Ophelia's father thinks that the prince is in love with Ophelia and tells to the kings, but they need to verify it. So they put Ophelia as bait to find out what happens to the prince, and the king and Polonius, the father, hide. The prince has many thoghts and dubts. The prince suspects that Ophelia is a cheat and tells her that he has never loved her.

The Play
Claudius sends two friends of the prince if he tells what happens to him. But he suspects it and says nothing to them. At the moment the actors arrive and they occurs the story told by the ghost. When they interpret it, Claudius stops the play and goes to pray. The prince follows him but decides not to kill him because he will go to heaven.

Murder and Exile
Prince Hamlet goes to his mother's room to speak to her. Then she drinks he is going to kill her and the courtain moves. The prince thinks he is the king and stiks his sword to him. But it turns out it's Polonius. Immediatlly the ghost appears, but his mother doesn't see or hear it, and she thoughts her son is to be mad. The prince tells his mother to tell the king his secrets. When the kng finds out that Hamlet has murdered Polonius, he sends him to England. And he plans to kill him.

Polonius' son arrives and learns that Hamlet has killed him. Ophelia has gone mad. Horacio recives a letter from Hamlet to meet them at the graveyard Ophelia, by her madness, falls into the river by accident and drowned. Hamlet in the graveyard begins to speak of death.

The Rest is Silence
Leartes and Hamlet coincide in the graveyard and Learts blames him for Ophelia's death, it was the first notice that the prince had. Claudius and Learts plan revange, and plan a challenge, and will put poison on the sword and in the glass. In the challenge, the queen drinks the poisoned glass, and Leartes nails the poisoned sword to Hamlet, and accidentlly takes Leartes' sword and puts it on his opponent's shoulder. Upon learning the plan, Hamlet thursts the sword into Claudius' heart. And in the end they all die.


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